2022년 3월 19일 토요일

Camera Control Python Programming on Raspberry Pi BullsEye

 In my previous post, "OpenCV camera control on Raspberry Pi BullsEye OS", I described the change of the Raspberry Pi's camera stack, which caused a lot of confusion. I also explained that OpenCV using GStreamer can be built and used successfully. OpenCV without GStreamer cannot be used with the new camera stack, libcamera. Therefore, camera control is not possible.

This article will take a look at which library is best to use for controlling the Raspberry Pi CSI camera from the point of view of a Python developer.

Choice 1. Restore to legacy mode

Legacy mode restoration is to restore the camera stack back to the Legacy stack as before BullsEye. Then there will be the following advantages.

  • Existing camera control programs (raspistill, raspivid) can be used as they are.
  • Python developers can use the existing Picamera package as is.

In other words, the developer can use the Raspberry Pi CSI camera without any changes as in the previous Buster version. The easiest and safest way. However, it is very likely that legacy mode restore will not continue to be supported. The legacy mode camera stack will probably disappear at some point in the future. Support for the current legacy mode restore feature is due to the sudden change of APIs. This is a way to reduce confusion for users and to guarantee the use of existing programs to some extent. 

If you plan to use the current version without using the newly updated Raspberry Pi OS in the future, there is no problem, but if you plan to continuously improve the program in the new OS, this method is difficult to recommend.

Choice 2. Developing for the new camera stack(libcamera)

If you decide to use the new libcamera stack, let's figure out which python package to use. And let's look at the pros and cons of the package.


Existing legacy camera stacks used the Picera package. However, the Piccamera package is no longer available in the libcamera stack. 

import io
import time
import picamera

import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('error', category=DeprecationWarning)

with picamera.PiCamera() as camera:
    camera.resolution = (1280, 720)
    camera.framerate = 24
    camera.preview.fullscreen = True
    camera.preview.alpha = 128
    stream = io.BytesIO()
    camera.capture(stream, 'yuv', use_video_port=True)

<picamera peview example>

If you run the Python code above on the newly installed BullsEye (32-bit or 64-bit), an error occurs.

<picamera package error>

The reason this error message occurs is that as the camera stack is changed to libcamera in BullsEye, the picamera python package can no longer be supported, so it is no longer installed in the download image. If you change the camera stack to the legacy stack and then go back to libcamera, the error message may be different. In this case, the picamera package was installed while reverting to the legacy camera stack, but the error message is different because it is not available in the libcamera stack.

The conclusion is that the pycamera package is no longer available in the libcamera camera stack. So the Picamera package is no longer a consideration


Since the Picamera package was developed for the Legacy camera stack, a new Picamera package for the new libcamera camera stack is needed. The Raspberry Pi Foundation is currently developing this package under the name Picamera2.

As of March 2022, the preview version is available on Github(https://github.com/raspberrypi/picamera2). 

The following is to save as a jpg file among the Picamera 2 preview version examples.


# Capture a JPEG while still running in the preview mode. When you
# capture to a file, the return value is the metadata for that image.

from picamera2.picamera2 import *
import time

picam2 = Picamera2()

preview_config = picam2.preview_configuration(main={"size": (800, 600)})



metadata = picam2.capture_file("test.jpg")


<Picamera2 example>

Perhaps sooner or later, an official version of Picamera2 will be released, and the Raspberry Pi Foundation will recommend Python developers to use this package. But I wonder if I need to use Picamera2. This package is only available for Raspberry Pi CSI camera. We use the CSI camera on the Raspberry Pi as well, but we can also use the webcam. In particular, except for the CM (Computing Module), only one CSI camera can be used. Of course, if you use 3rd party products provided by Arducam, you can use multiple CSI cameras. But the easiest way is to use a CSI camera and webcam together. In this case, it is most convenient to control the CSI camera and webcam in one package.

Therefore I do not recommend the use of the picamera2 package. In fact, even before BullsEye, I seldom used the picamera package.

My conclusion is OpenCV. 


If you properly use an image processing package such as Pillow together with OpenCV, you can have the following advantages.

  • CSI cameras and webcams can be handled with the same API.
  • Not only camera control, but also video control and photo control are possible.
  • In addition to video and image recording, image format conversion and processing are possible.
  • It has versatility that can be used not only on Raspberry Pi, but also on Linux, Windows, Mac OS and even smartphones.
  • OpenCV is used for vision processing in most machine learning frameworks such as TensorFlow, Caffe, and PyTorch.

To use OpenCV with BullsEye's libcamera camera stack, you must change the build option to use GStreamer and then build a new one. Building OpenCV using GStreamer is described in detail in the previous article.

import cv2
import numpy as np
import sys
connstr = 'libcamerasrc ! video/x-raw, width=640, height=480, framerate=30/1 ! videoconvert ! videoscale ! clockoverlay time-format="%D %H:%M:%S" ! appsink'
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(connstr, cv2.CAP_GSTREAMER)
if cap.isOpened() == False:
    print('camera open Failed')

while True:

    succes, img = cap.read()
    if succes == False:
        print('camera read Failed')

    k = cv2.waitKey(1)
    if k == ord('q'):



<OpenCV example using GStreamer>

Migrate picamera source code for OpenCV

Let's implement some important functions of picamera to OpenCV.


The program opens the CSI camera and then shows a preview window for 5 seconds. The preview function is a basic function that is used a lot in camera control.

Picamera implementation

from picamera import PiCamera
from time import sleep

f_res = None
def set_resolution(ver, index):
    global f_res, camera
    res = {"v1":[(2592,1944),(1920, 1280),(1296, 972), (1296, 730),(640, 480)],
           "v2":[(2592,1944),(1920, 1280),(1296, 972), (1296, 730),(640, 480)]
    f_res = res[ver][index]
    print("final resolution", f_res)
    camera.resolution = f_res
camera = PiCamera()
set_resolution("v1", 4)

<picamera preview.py >

OpenCV implementation

import cv2
import numpy as np
import sys
import time

connstr = None
f_res = None
def set_resolution(ver, index):
    global f_res, cap, connstr
    form = '''libcamerasrc ! video/x-raw, width={}, height={}, framerate=30/1 ! videoconvert ! videoscale ! appsink'''
    res = {"v1":[(2592,1944),(1920, 1280),(1296, 972), (1296, 730),(640, 480)],
           "v2":[(2592,1944),(1920, 1280),(1296, 972), (1296, 730),(640, 480)]
    f_res = res[ver][index]
    connstr = form.format(f_res[0], f_res[1])
    print("GStreamer PipeLine:", connstr)

set_resolution("v1", 4)

cap = cv2.VideoCapture(connstr, cv2.CAP_GSTREAMER)
if cap.isOpened() == False:
    print('camera open Failed')

start = time.time()
while cap.isOpened():
    _, img = cap.read()
    k = cv2.waitKey(1)
    if k == ord('q'):

    elapsed = time.time() - start
    if(elapsed > 5) :

<opencv preview.py>

Take pictures

Next, a picture is taken after a 5-second preview.

Picamera implementation

from picamera import PiCamera,  Color
from time import sleep
f_res = None

def set_resolution(ver, index):
    global f_res, camera
    res = {"v1":[(2592,1944),(1920, 1280),(1296, 972), (1296, 730),(640, 480)],
           "v2":[(3280,2464),(2592,1944),(1920, 1280),(1296, 972), (1296, 730),(640, 480)]
    f_res = res[ver][index]
    print("final resolution", f_res)
    camera.resolution = f_res

camera = PiCamera()
set_resolution("v2", 0)
# camera.annotate_background = Color('blue')
# camera.annotate_foreground = Color('yellow')
# camera.annotate_text = " Hello world "
# camera.brightness = 70


<picamera saveimage.py >

OpenCV implementation

import cv2
import numpy as np
import sys
import time

connstr = None
f_res = None
def set_resolution(ver, index):
    global f_res, cap, connstr
    form = '''libcamerasrc ! video/x-raw, width={}, height={}, framerate=30/1 ! videoconvert ! videoscale ! appsink'''
    res = {"v1":[(2592,1944),(1920, 1280),(1296, 972), (1296, 730),(640, 480)],
           "v2":[(2592,1944),(1920, 1280),(1296, 972), (1296, 730),(640, 480)]
    f_res = res[ver][index]
    connstr = form.format(f_res[0], f_res[1])
    print("GStreamer PipeLine:", connstr)

set_resolution("v1", 4)

cap = cv2.VideoCapture(connstr, cv2.CAP_GSTREAMER)
if cap.isOpened() == False:
    print('camera open Failed')

start = time.time()
while cap.isOpened():
    _, img = cap.read()
    k = cv2.waitKey(1)
    if k == ord('q'):

    elapsed = time.time() - start
    if(elapsed > 5) :
        cv2.imwrite('/home/pi/src/libcamera/picamera_cap.jpg', img)

<opencv saveimage.py>

Save video

Next, the video is shot for 5 seconds. The Picamera package saves it as an h264 file in raw format, while OpenCV saves it in a video format with a header including video information.

Picamera implementation

from picamera import PiCamera, PiCameraValueError
from time import sleep
f_res = None

def set_resolution(ver, index):
    global f_res, camera
    res = {"v1":[(2592,1944),(1920, 1280),(1296, 972), (1296, 730),(1024, 768),(800, 600),(640, 480)],
           "v2":[(3280,2464),(2592,1944),(1920, 1280),(1296, 972), (1296, 730),(1024, 768),(800, 600),(640, 480)]
    f_res = res[ver][index]
    print("final resolution", f_res)
    camera.resolution = f_res
camera = PiCamera()
set_resolution("v2", 3)
except PiCameraValueError as err:
    print("Picamera Err:", err)
    print("Please use another resolution")


<picamera savevideo.py >

OpenCV implementation

import cv2
import numpy as np
import sys
import time

connstr = None
f_res = None
def set_resolution(ver, index):
    global f_res, cap, connstr
    form = '''libcamerasrc ! video/x-raw, width={}, height={}, framerate=30/1 ! videoconvert ! videoscale ! appsink'''
    res = {"v1":[(2592,1944),(1920, 1280),(1296, 972), (1296, 730),(640, 480)],
           "v2":[(2592,1944),(1920, 1280),(1296, 972), (1296, 730),(640, 480)]
    f_res = res[ver][index]
    connstr = form.format(f_res[0], f_res[1])
    print("GStreamer PipeLine:", connstr)

set_resolution("v1", 4)
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(connstr, cv2.CAP_GSTREAMER)
if cap.isOpened() == False:
    print('camera open Failed')
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('m', 'p', '4', 'v')
out_video = cv2.VideoWriter('/home/pi/src/libcamera/picamera.mp4', fourcc, cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS), f_res)

start = time.time()
while cap.isOpened():
    _, img = cap.read()
    k = cv2.waitKey(1)
    if k == ord('q'):

    elapsed = time.time() - start
    if(elapsed > 5) :

<opencv savevideo.py>

I have changed some frequently used functions in Picamera to OpenCV. Most camera control is possible with OpenCV using GStreamer.

Wrapping up

I'm not saying you shouldn't use picamera2. It is recommended to use OpenCV first for camera control. If you need to fine tune your camera , you may need picamera2. In other words, use picamera2 only when it is difficult to process with OpenCV. By the way, I haven't experienced anything like this yet.

OpenCV includes numerous functions such as camera control, image processing, and machine learning support. It provides rich features that cannot be compared with the picamera package, which can only control the CSI camera of the Raspberry Pi, and can be used on almost all platforms including Windows, Linux, Mac OS, and Android. In addition, various development languages such as Python, C++, and Java are supported. There are good reasons to consider using OpenCV over Picamera.

The source code can be downloaded from My Github.

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